Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Mr. İbrahim YUMAKLI, announced the steps to be taken regarding drought to the public at the Water Efficiency Campaign Information Meeting held at Dolmabahçe Working Office.
Noting that we are currently facing an extremely devastating climate crisis on a global scale, Mr. YUMAKLI said that while three-fourths of the world is covered with water, the rate of fresh water resources is only 2.5 percent and only 1 percent of it can be used.
Mr. YUMAKLI stated that 2.2 billion people in the world lack access to drinking water at different levels and added: “It is emphasized by the UN that the last 5 years were the hottest period in the last 170 years. Even in Siberia, we see temperatures reaching 38 degrees. Drought is now a disaster just like earthquakes and floods all over the world.”
Emphasizing that Türkiye is located in the Mediterranean basin, one of the most vulnerable regions against the negative impacts of climate change, Mr. YUMAKLI continued his words as follows:
“We feel the impacts of climate change in full force with wildfires, floods, inundations and ecosystem losses. While our country has experienced dry years in the last 10 years, the severity and duration of droughts have begun to lengthen. An increase in temperatures over the next 26 years and a decrease in precipitation and total snow cover are expected. In the 2023 water year, which ended in October, precipitation decreased by 6 percent compared to the long-term average. The largest decrease was recorded in the Marmara Region with 25 percent. Precipitation decreased up to 55 percent in Hatay and up to 40 percent around Edirne and Tekirdağ.”
The Minister Mr. YUMAKLI stated that the calculations made according to the water potential of Türkiye point out that the annual amount of water per capita is 1313 cubic meters and added:
“I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I am talking about the maximum amount that a person can use, and not the amount we use. This value means that our country is under water stress according to international indicators. At this rate, in 2030, that is, in just 6 years, this rate will drop below 1000 cubic meters and our country will be among the countries suffering from water scarcity. Again, 6 years later; half of our population and approximately 80 percent of irrigated agricultural lands will be in danger of water shortage. In our unique geography, which contains ancient riches, contrary to popular belief, our water resources have now become limited. By 2030, our country’s population is expected to increase by 10 percent and water resources to decrease by 20 percent.”
Mr. YUMAKLI underlined that it is possible to manage these threats for the future with a social consensus before they turn into a crisis, and added: “This is a historical responsibility for all of us. Today, we have to convey the green and blue that we were entrusted with to our children.”
Minister YUMAKLI reminded that his Ministry has launched the Water Efficiency Campaign on 31 January 2023 under the auspices of the First Lady Mrs. Emine ERDOĞAN.He stated that the work of the campaign had to be postponed for a while due to the earthquakes in and around Kahramanmaraş that occurred 6 days later. Reminding the Water Efficiency Campaign, Mr. YUMAKLI stated his wish to accelerate the cooperation with 85 million stakeholders.
Emphasizing that they aim to make water efficiency both a national policy and a culture of life, Mr. YUMAKLI stated “Within the scope of the campaign, we have objectives regarding urban, agricultural, industrial and individual water uses. Our aim is to prevent water shortage by working together.”
The Minister Mr. YUMAKLI stated that they accepted the Water Efficiency Campaign as a milestone and added:
“We published the Water Efficiency Strategy Document and Action Plan covering the next 10 years. In this document we set out targets, strategies and actions for urban, agricultural, industrial and individual uses. We continue our work in coordination with the institutions we cooperate with. We started the process of establishing water efficiency units in our public institutions. We implemented Sister Municipalities for Water to reduce water loss rates in drinking water systems. We determined the total potential in our country for the reuse of treated water. Efforts to disseminate this application continue.”
The Minister Mr. İbrahim YUMAKLI stated that they have prepared guidance documents for the efficient use of water in industry and that they are carrying out studies supporting green OIZ application and gave the following information:
“We provide 50 percent grant support to our farmers for the use of efficient irrigation systems. We increased the rate of our pressurized irrigation systems to 33 percent. We prepared type projects for rainwater harvesting and grey water applications and shared them with all sectors. We are increasing our facilities such as dams, ponds and underground storage. We started training activities to raise awareness in all segments of society.”
Mr. YUMAKLI stated that they reorganised the Law on Agriculture by putting water in the core of it and established the National Water Committee to coordinate all relevant parties in water management.
Mr. YUMAKLI stated that the work continues on the Water Law, which will secure water resources in terms of quality and quantity and strengthen water management.He explained that the studies on the Law on Floods, which will increase the resistance against flood disasters, are continuing.
The Minister Mr. YUMAKLI stated the following: “While these studies continue; We expect our municipalities to reduce water losses, to use alternative water resources such as grey water, rain water and treated waste water, we expect our farmers to irrigate their products with modern irrigation systems at hours when evaporation is low, and we also expect our industrialists to use water efficient techniques and technologies, and our citizens to be more sensitive in their daily water use habits.”
Stating that they will continue the meetings to bring the Water Efficiency Campaign to the public agenda again, Mr. YUMAKLI stated that they will organise a Water Summit with all stakeholders to assess the issue in every aspect.
Mr. YUMAKLI explained that they will organize programmes to raise awareness of the youth and children in universities and schools, and added:“Dear citizens, now is the time to take action. Let’s manage the risk together before it turns into a disaster. In this campaign, we say ‘Be a drop of water’. I invite everyone to join hands for our water and future and to unite everyone in a common concern and contribution to our water resources.”